in Lost: Jacob, Nemi, Aaron and the Garden of Eden
off, let’s take a look at Milton ’s “Paradise
Lost” (recall Penny’s last name in the episode with Desmond was Milton ).
From Wikipedia:
Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century
English poet John Milton. It was originally published in 1667 in ten books,
with a total of over ten thousand individual lines of verse. A second edition
followed in 1674, redivided into twelve books (in the manner of the division of
Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the
versification; the majority of the poem was written while Milton was blind, and was transcribed for
The poem concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man:
the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel
and their expulsion from the Garden of
Eden. Milton 's
purpose, stated in Book I, is to "justify the ways of God to men"[2]
and elucidate the conflict between God's eternal foresight
and free will.
So –
this sounds like it fits pretty well with the religious themes in Lost. Even
before I related Milton’s poem to Lost, I had an inkling that what is going on
in Lost is a mirror-image or second pass at what occurred in the Garden of
Eden. Now, with this additional clue, I am leaning even more in that direction.
here are some of my thoughts:
island, or “this God Forsaken rock” as Nemi/Locke stated in a recent episode,
is the actual Garden of Eden. After the Fall of Man (which is when Adam and Eve
chose to disobey God), the Garden was deserted. The Bible does not state what
happened to the Garden except that an angel was left to guard it. I’m
theorizing that the Garden became the island, and remained a connection to the
spiritual world.
word 'Eden '
means: spot, moment, presence, open door.
the Garden of Eden was the spot for the moment where the presence of God
provided an open door to heaven. It’s where heaven met earth.
we know, there is a spiritual world connected to the island. Jacob is named for
Jacob’s ladder, which is another clue to this connection. Jacob’s ladder was
another connection between heaven and earth.
a few questions to ask first:
Who/what is Jacob?
Who/what is Nemi?
The island and Garden of Eden
The candidates’ role
Aaron’s role
Widmore’s role
Who/what is Nemi?
The island and Garden of Eden
The candidates’ role
Aaron’s role
Widmore’s role
believe Jacob is a couple of things wrapped into one. For starters, I believe
Jacob was once a man. In fact, I believe there is a possibility that he was
“Abel”, the shepherd who was killed by his brother in the first murder of
As a
spirit, I believe Abel/Jacob became the guardian of the underworld/heaven, i.e.
he became Anubis.
the case of Lost, I believe Jacob/Anubis acts as a judge that does not allow
the spirits of those who have chosen evil to move on into the afterlife. This
is evident by Michael’s spirit, who is basically trapped on the island due to
his actions, along with the other “trapped” spirits that are heard on the
island as whispers.
Nemi falls
into this category as well.
I believe
Nemi may once have been “Cain”, and committed the first murder. He was once a
man, as he stated to Sawyer.
By choosing
evil, Cain brought evil into his soul. It is almost as if he became “infected”
himself, and in way became a vessel of Satan.
I also
believe that Nemi represents Satan, though not sure how this fits in with him
once being Cain as well.
Nemi leads
the Losties towards a “better reality” – the same way Satan did so with Adam
and Even and the apple – he promises them the one thing they want most, and in
return, they “take a bite of the apple”.
So what this
means to me is that the island represents the Garden of Eden, and the
“candidates” are representative of Adam and Eve, who were the “candidates” of
Nemi also has
the form of the smoke monster, which is very similar to a serpent, which was
the form that Satan took in the Garden of Eden.
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made" (Genesis 3:1).
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made" (Genesis 3:1).
great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or
Satan, who leads the whole world astray..."
This verse
lends support to the view that of the serpent being Satan himself, which helps
to explain, as well, why Eve was not surprised to be spoken to by the
serpent—it was not a talking snake, but a beautiful and intelligent (yet evil)
angelic being.
island and Garden of Eden
There have
been some interesting clues to the Garden of Eden in Lost :
After discovering their disobedience, God banished the couple from the garden
in order to deny them access to the Tree of Life which would
give them immortality.
There have been a couple times in the series that a very large tree (Tree of Life?) has been shown. I definitely recalled it in Richard’s episode (Ab Aeterno). It is where Richard buries his wife’s cross, and then digs it back up. The tree seems very symbolic in that scene. In addition, the Tree of Life is linked to immortality, so the fact that Richard (who does not age) buries his cross at this tree is also symbolic.
There have been a couple times in the series that a very large tree (Tree of Life?) has been shown. I definitely recalled it in Richard’s episode (Ab Aeterno). It is where Richard buries his wife’s cross, and then digs it back up. The tree seems very symbolic in that scene. In addition, the Tree of Life is linked to immortality, so the fact that Richard (who does not age) buries his cross at this tree is also symbolic.
From Milton ’s Paradise (I stole this from a
website when I searched for Milton ’s Paradise and the Garden of Eden):
An angel approaches Adam
after his fall from grace and describes the future of mankind. In his
description of the great floods (from the Noah
and the Ark tale) he describes what will happen to the Garden of Eden and
then shall this Mount Of
Paradise by might of Waves be moovd Out of his place, pushd by the horned
floud, With all his verdure spoil'd, and Trees adrift Down the great River to
the op'ning Gulf, And there take root an Island salt and bare, The haunt of Seales
and Orcs, and Sea-mews clang, To teach thee that God attributes to place No
sanctitie, if none be thither brought By Men who there frequent, or therein
dwell." John Milton Paradise Lost (bk. XI, 1. 829-838).
Basically, in Milton ’s Paradise , an angel tells Adam that the Garden of Eden
will become an island.
are other clues, like the skeletons that are called “Adam and Eve” (though I
believe that will turn out to be Bernard and Rose, calling them “Adam and Eve”
is another hint).
there are probably other hints out there that I have missed.
The candidates’ role
candidates role may be more scientific than religious – not sure at this point.
Nemi wants the candidates to go with him, and this could be for one of two
reasons that I can think of:
- He
takes them with him off the island to ensure that they cannot fulfill the
role of taking Jacob’s place.
- He takes them with him because they act as a time constant so that he can actually leave the island when he flies off – the same idea as when they needed to have everyone on the Ajira Flight – perhaps because without them as “time constants”, they would not have flashed to the 1970’s/Dharma Initiative like they did.
In general from a religious
perspective though, I believe the role of the candidates is similar to the role
that existed for Adam and Eve. They are left with choices that may impact the
fate of humanity.
Each of them has special abilities and
places a special role, but in the end, their choices (good or evil) and actions
will lead to a result that will either be the same as Adam and Eve’s (humanity
fails), or the opposite (humanity succeeds).
Aaron’s role
believe Aaron is the sixth candidate. He is the one that will replace Jacob. He
is still innocent, so perhaps it makes sense that he would replace Jacob.
these lines, I think Aaron is the boy that has been pestering Nemi lately. So what
is special about Aaron and leads me to these thoughts?
He was meant to be on the original flight
- He was born on the island
- In the episode ‘Abandoned’, when Locke was handling Aaron for Claire, Charlie got dreams about the need to baptize Aaron. Was this some kind of foresight sent to Charlie by the island? Charlie goes to great lengths to baptize Aaron, even starting a fire to distract everyone. Why baptize Aaron?
- He was born on the island
- In the episode ‘Abandoned’, when Locke was handling Aaron for Claire, Charlie got dreams about the need to baptize Aaron. Was this some kind of foresight sent to Charlie by the island? Charlie goes to great lengths to baptize Aaron, even starting a fire to distract everyone. Why baptize Aaron?
The purpose of baptism is as a means of repelling evil.
Even though Charlie fails, Aaron and Claire eventually get baptized by Eko (recall Jacob’s relationship to water; and recall Richard’s ‘baptism’ by Jacob).
- Claire abandons Aaron when Christian Shepherd comes up to her after the house explosion. Is this the “spirit” Christian, or MIB/Nemesis guised as Christian? I believe it was the “spirit” Christian, protecting Aaron from Claire, who had “died” in the explosion but come back to life and was now potentially “infected”. If Claire is not infected, why else would Nemesis keep her around?
- When Kate is off the island, Claire comes to her in visions, saying not to bring Aaron back to the island. Why? My guess is because it is not the right time or the right way, and protects him from Nemesis. It’s possible Aaron will find his own way to the island, just as he seems to be doing now with these ‘visits’ that anger Nemesis.
Even though Charlie fails, Aaron and Claire eventually get baptized by Eko (recall Jacob’s relationship to water; and recall Richard’s ‘baptism’ by Jacob).
- Claire abandons Aaron when Christian Shepherd comes up to her after the house explosion. Is this the “spirit” Christian, or MIB/Nemesis guised as Christian? I believe it was the “spirit” Christian, protecting Aaron from Claire, who had “died” in the explosion but come back to life and was now potentially “infected”. If Claire is not infected, why else would Nemesis keep her around?
- When Kate is off the island, Claire comes to her in visions, saying not to bring Aaron back to the island. Why? My guess is because it is not the right time or the right way, and protects him from Nemesis. It’s possible Aaron will find his own way to the island, just as he seems to be doing now with these ‘visits’ that anger Nemesis.
I believe Aaron will be looped back in the final episodes, and will be Jacob’s
replacement. One additional thought is – if Aaron takes this role as a young
boy (until he matures), perhaps Kate will become his guardian. Her role has
been minimized to date, but I foresee that she will still have an important
role in the end.
Widmore’s role
this point, Widmore’s role is cloudy. He seems to understand the scientific
aspect of things, and is partnered (so it seems) with Ms Hawking, who may know
even more than he does. But what is his role?
only thought on this in relation to the religious aspect of things is that he
somehow knows that this is the Garden of Eden, and that what they are up
against is possibly Satan himself.
realizes that he needs to use Desmond’s abilities to ultimately stop Nemi, and
this has something to do with the alternate reality.
there may be something deeper here as well. The Valenzetti equation foretells
the end of mankind. Before Adam and Eve bit the apple, mankind was immortal
(per The Tree of Life). After they bit the apple, immortality was taken away
from them, and (I’m theorizing) the countdown on mankind’s existence began.
This countdown is characterized by the Valenzetti equation. Due to the fact
that Widmore seems to have ties to Dharma and other behind-the-scenes
organizations, he may be also trying to “reverse” what Adam and Eve did – i.e.,
fins a way to change the Valenzetti equation, find a way to extend humanity’s
final thought about the spirits based on the revelation from Michael. There
seem to be four “types” of spirits:
Visiting spirits. These can appear as spirits or as animals. Examples are:
the butterfly in Ab Aeterno, which was probably Richard’s wife.
Richard’s wife when Hurley tells Richard she is there (at the Tree of Life)
the boar that attacks Sawyer, who is the spirit of the man he killed that he
thought was the real ‘Sawyer’
the horse that Kate encounters on the island that seems to be the spirit of her
Trapped spirits: These appear when the whispers ensure, like Michael did to
Hurley. These are spirits of individuals that made more ‘evil’ choices than
good, i.e. when Annubis/Jacob weighed their ‘heart’ on a scale, it had more evil
than good. They are likely trapped here by Jacob, a sort of purgatory
Nemesis transforming: spirits that are really Nemesis taking their form. I
believe he did this with Richard’s wife in the Black Rock. He has also done
with Christian Shepherd on numerous occasions (though Christian has also
appeared as a ‘Visiting Spirit’) and others.
Visionary spirits: This would include Walt and Aaron (if I am right that the
boy is Aaron). These are visions of people that have special powers in relation
to the island, and their form can appear on the island even when they alive and
off island, like Walt appeared to Locke after Locke had been shot.
– this is a long theory, and not a theory of everything per se, but a look at
religion how may play into the Lost world.
conjunction with a recent post of mine (Hawking’s Imaginary Journey) I’ve tried
to capture both some of the scientific and religious elements of the show. But
even with this (some of which may be right, some wrong), I still have no idea
how it will all play out…!!
for reading.
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